
  1. Research Intern

    IMDEA Software Institute

    Responsibilities include:

    • Full-time internship at the IMDEA Software Institute under the supervision of Prof. Juan Caballero in collaboration with NortonLifeLock Research Group to work on the development of a threat hunting tool using the VirusTotal file feed.
  2. Researcher

    Cátedra ISEDE-UAH

    Responsibilities include:

    • Design and teaching of courses on networks and forensics, with a focus on drone technology.
    • Conducted in-depth analysis on anonymization networks (Deep Web, Dark Web, and Dark Net) and homomorphic encryption, to anticipate emerging trends and technologies in the cybersecurity landscape.
    • Generated static code analysis reports to enhance software security and identify vulnerabilities, contributing to robust and secure applications.
  3. System Administrator

    Making Science

    Responsibilities include:

    • Administration and management of infrastructures and services: Google Cloud Platform and on-premises.
    • Configuration and automation of high-availability system with the philosophy of Infrastructure as code (IaC) with tools such as SaltStack, Terraform and Docker.


  1. PhD in Cybercrime Attribution

    IMDEA Software Institute
    Thesis on Cybercrime Attribution_. Supervised by Prof Juan Caballero. Presented papers at 1 top-tier conference (NDSS).
  2. MSc Cybersecurity

    Universidad de Alcalá
    GPA: 3.8/4.0
  3. BSc Computer Engineering

    Universidad de Alcalá
    GPA: 3.4/4.0