A Deep Dive into the VirusTotal File Feed

Jan 1, 2023·
Kevin Van Liebergen
Juan Caballero
Platon Kotzias
Chris Gates
· 0 min read
Online scanners analyze user-submitted files with a large number of security tools and provide access to the analysis results. As the most popular online scanner, VirusTotal (VT) is often used for determining if samples are malicious, labeling samples with their family, hunting for new threats, and collecting malware samples. We analyze 328M VT reports for 235M samples collected for one year through the VT file feed. We use the reports to characterize the VT file feed in depth and compare it with the telemetry of an AV vendor. We answer questions such as How diverse is the feed? How fresh are the samples it provides? What fraction of samples can be labeled on first sight? How different are the malware families in the feed and the AV telemetry?
DIMVA 2023